
The UDA is open to membership applications from individuals who agree with our goals.


Please check the following points before applying.

  1. Your personal details (name, affiliation, title) will be listed on the UDA website and may be included in related materials (e.g. pamphlets). (Note 1)
  2. We call on members to add information about activities related to diversity at your affiliated institution to the UDA database to the extent that they can. This does not include personal information or examples of particular experiences. (Note 2)

If you agree to the above points, please check the following section (Joining the UDA) and then complete the registration form. If you require further information please contact us through the contact form or by email.

Note 1: personal information of student members will not be made public.

Note 2: If you need your institution’s approval to make your affiliation public, please enter your affiliation information to the extent that you are permitted. If your institution has not implemented any relevant activities, submitting any such information in the future would be greatly appreciated. Any information on difficulties faced in attempts to introduce activities at your institution would also be greatly appreciated.

Joining the UDA

The UDA accepts applications from individuals who meet the following criteria.

  1. Members should in principle be affiliated with a university (including junior colleges, vocational colleges and other institutes of higher education). Adjunct and tenured faculty and administrative staff are eligible, as are students.
    • Students will be classified as student members and their personal information will not be made public. However, the treatment of student membership will be reevaluated in the future.
    • Eligibility of teaching and administrative staff from high schools and company staff will be reevaluated in the future. In addition, organizational membership for universities and companies will be considered in the future.
  2. New members should in principle be supported by an existing member.

After confirming the membership application with the supporting UDA member, the applicant’s personal details will be added to the list on this website (please allow three to four weeks). Student members will be contacted by email.

Registration form

Please register from this form.